Obtain your Federal Tax ID / federal tax identification Number via SS4 / Federal Tax Identification Online Application
Nowadays technologies can help incredibly to make paperwork much easier. This refers also to get a legitimate tax ID and EIN number. This is helping a lot of people to avoid waiting in line and filling additional formalities as it is possible to do online. As one of the easy ways is simply filling online requirements and application. Of course, there are also various other ways how it is possible to be done.
The first step towards getting a federal tax ID is obtaining Employer Identification Number (EIN). It is also possible online from the IRS. You just need to fill the application with the required personal information and it will all be processed online. This great and modern option is available for everyone who have some business, are office workers, with legal residence in the U.S. territory or, at least, one of the mentioned.
An additional requirement is to have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number. This may include Social Security Number, Employer Identification Number, and Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. This is the only necessity to be able to further proceed and be closer to gaining a valid tax ID.
An important part no matter if you apply online, by fax, by mail or by telephone is that you would have a correctly filled form SS-4 that originally comes in PDF format. One the first page of it there are instructions that should be read carefully so that you would be able to provide all the necessary information correctly. Also, EIN Online Assistant should be able to help – since 2014 they are available on toll-free phones.
Important is also to know that you can obtain only 1 EIN number per day. Any taxpayer’s giving institution will be Internal Revenue Service (IRS) who also states all the rules for obtaining EIN. The previously mentioned limitation for estates refers in the way that it is applied to the decedent (decedent estate) or debtor (bankruptcy estate). The limitation is corresponded to all the possible application ways.
There is also a way for those who doesn’t have legal residence, business, office or any other place. It is possible to fill and fax the application straight to Internal Revenue Service Center in Cincinnati who will then later process the application and evaluate the possible solution.
EIN / federal tax identification number’s main purpose is to make it possible for tax payers to pay taxes and administer them. They are not meant to be used in any other activities like tax lien auction, sales, lotteries, etc. EIN comes together with responsibilities that shouldn’t be forgotten. It has a close relation to wage, employment tax withholding, and tax returns. It might seem rather complicated but there are further explanations available in a form of publications or can be gained also by online help. The publications themselves can be downloaded straight from IRS.gov.
The application maker also needs to be sure that his business, organization or address is legitimate. Almost all organizations are under IRC but not all of them. If that is the case, the process might be a bit more complicated. The ones who are under IRS have further obligations to provide annual information about return or notice about their tax status. If a person or institution fails to do it, they are subject to automatic revocation. However, for that, there are given 3 years so that should be more than just possible.
A more practical example of how it works could be given. An applicant’s organization applies for EIN in November 2015 but chooses a December as accounting period. It means that the first tax period would end on December 21, 2015. In this case, the first return or notice would be due May 15, 2016.automatic revocation would happen if there would fail to file the three periods at the end of December 31, 2019, or any other consecutive 3-year period thereafter.
The process of federal tax id Ss4 online application for an EIN from the IRS might seems complicated from the first side but with time, it will be understandable that there is nothing that complicated. Usually, organizations themselves also have professional people who deal and help others to deal with it as it refers to 3 sides. An additional help there is also language changes that are available if needed.
The last thing that an SS-4 form needs is a legit signature of the third party designee. This process can be fast but not always as IRS receive applications from different states. All of them needs to be processed and legitimatized according to the law and working practice.
Online federal tax identification application for EIN is the simplest and also the most advised one as it comes together with all the necessary information and there is no other pension involved in filling it thus IRS workers have less work and can focus their attention on some other things. However, the applicant needs to make sure that he or she will complete the application in one session. There is no option to save the work and return to it anytime later.
This is also partially due to security reasons as you have to fill personal information and it could be used against you if someone with malicious thoughts has an idea to use it. The session can expire if there are 15 minutes of inactivity, meaning that you haven’t typed any letter or moved the mouse. If there are some circumstances that are no danger to the personal information, you can also simply start by refilling all the necessary fields again but it takes additional work and time thus it is better to try doing everything at once.
The filled application is submitted automatically. It is possible to get EIN right after the federal tax identification application process is done. An applicant then simply have to choose to download, save or print the EIN federal tax identification confirmation notice.
Getting valid federal tax identification number or EIN is a start for getting federal tax id but it is any person’s necessity to obtain it. Once you have done it, you won’t have it to do it again. Online application form is rather user friendly and can be completed in one session.
You can obtain your EIN / Federal Tax ID number and Official IRS SS4 Form online above instead of waiting in long lines at state buildings or hiring expensive lawyers. Simply select your entity type above then complete your customized Online SS4 Form and you'll have your new EIN Number sent to you via email as soon as its manually processed by a filing agent. Have a question? Check out SS 4 Form
Online Assisted SS-4 Application Filing Benefits: